Treasure Coast Music Teachers Association

Affiliated with:   

Music Teachers National Association  &  Florida State Music Teachers Association

Music-Thon 2024

Sponsored by the

Treasure Coast Music Teachers Association

Saturday, December 7th, 2024  -  All day event

(at the entrance to Macy*s  -  Treasure Coast Mall  -  Jensen Beach)

    Cindy Kessler                          Luanne Dwyer                 Yun Yew-Kumpf

     President                                Recording                         Corresponding

     Acting Treasurer                    Secretary                          Secretary

     Acting Membership Chair

     Anti-Trust Compliance Officer


    Treasure Coast Music Teachers Board members  -  2023 to 2025



TCMTA, a 501c(3) non-profit organization, exists to advance the value of music study and music making to society and to support the professionalism of music.

The object of this association shall be:

¨ To create and maintain a high standard of music teaching.

¨ To promote music culture in community.

¨ To sponsor public student musicales for all qualified students of music teachers in the association.

¨ To sponsor meetings for study, discussion and evaluation.

¨ To cultivate fraternal relations among the members of the profession.

¨ To provide financial assistance to talented pupils.

¨ To pledge its members to live up to the Code of Ethics.


Relationship(s) with other music teachers.

Tips & help for building and maintaining business.

Publication of name in TCMTA, MTNA, & FSMTA website(s) and/or brochure(s).

Availability of Liability Insurance through MTNA.

Scholarship opportunity for students.

Performance experience for students in Music-Thon & Honors recitals.